
Frequently asked questions

How do I switch Launchpad on or off?
Switch Launchpad on or off via ‘More’ on your app’s home screen, then ‘Settings’ and ‘Launchpad’.

How do I switch individual Launchpad features on or off?
Open Launchpad, select the ‘Newsfeed’ tab and then the settings icon at the top-left of the screen. 

What happens if I change to a different smartphone or tablet?
Just install and register the Barclays app on your new device and Launchpad will be available automatically. 

How do I see Launchpad content?
Tap the floating Launchpad rocket button anywhere in the Barclays app to access the Launchpad newsfeed and ‘Give feedback’ tabs.

How do I give feedback?
You’ll be prompted to give feedback when you’re using certain Launchpad features, but you can give us your feedback at any time via the ‘Give feedback’ tab in Launchpad.

Can I move the Launchpad button?
Yes, the button ‘floats’ over the Barclays app and you can move it anywhere. Just tap and hold the button to drag it around.  

Why is there an ‘i’ symbol on the Launchpad button?
The ‘i’ symbol appears on the button whenever there’s something new in Launchpad. Just tap the button to see it. 

Why do some features in the main Barclays app have a Launchpad icon?
When you switch on Launchpad, you’ll also be able to see and use work-in-progress features we’re testing in the main Barclays app. Anyone who doesn’t use Launchpad (or who’s switched it off) won’t see these features. 

What does the ‘Featured test’ tag on Launchpad features mean? 
Launchpad features tagged as ‘Featured test’ are ones we want to draw particular attention to.

What does the ‘Last chance’ tag on Launchpad features mean?
Launchpad features tagged as ‘Last chance’ will be removed from the newsfeed within seven days. You don’t have to try these – we’re just telling you that they won’t be available to test for much longer. 

Do I have to test every Launchpad feature that’s available?
No – just test the features you want to. We may remove Launchpad features at any time with no notice (not all will be tagged as ‘Last chance’), though, so don’t wait too long to try the ones that interest you. 

What happens to my feedback? 
All feedback helps us improve features we’re testing and decide which features to add to the Barclays app. 

You’ll see updates about features we’re testing in the Launchpad newsfeed, along with the results of questions and surveys you’ve answered. 

How long does it take for Launchpad features to appear in the main Barclays app?
The features we test may be at different stages, so there’s no general rule about when they’ll appear in the main app – and we may decide to not release some of them. You’ll see updates about Launchpad features in in the newsfeed.

Where are Launchpad’s terms and conditions?
Launchpad’s terms and conditions are included in the main terms and conditions for the Barclays app. Find these by opening ‘More’ on the home screen, then go to ‘Settings’ and ‘Terms & Conditions’. 

Is Launchpad accessible?
As part of the Barclays app, Launchpad supports accessibility features in iOS 13.4 and above, and Android 8 and above. The Barclays App has received accessibility accreditation from AbilityNet, which ensures that good accessibility practice has been followed. For more information, open ‘Help’ from your app home screen and go to ‘Accessible services’.

How do I get help with Launchpad?
For help and support, go to ‘Contact us’ in your app.