
Youth App Terms and Conditions

For the purpose of these terms and conditions, ‘App’ means the Barclays App. You may be asked to accept another set of app terms and conditions when you sign up or log in, but only these Youth App Terms and Conditions apply when you use the App, so you can ignore any other terms and conditions.

Key Point Summary

You should read the terms in full below, but these key points set out the things we think you’ll really want to know when using the App.

1.       The App lets you to do a number of different things with your Barclays account(s). It is important that you take the time to learn how each feature works by following any instructions shown in the App.

2.       We are committed to protecting your personal data. For more information on how to control your data click [here] and see ‘Data and Security’ under Section Three below.

3.       If something doesn’t look right in the App tell your parent(s) or guardian(s) straight away. If you or they think someone else could have taken money from your account, you or your parent(s) or guardian(s) can let us know. If you haven’t caused the loss, we’ll make sure you get your money back. For details on how to contact us, see ‘For Parents and Guardians’ under Section Four below. 

Section One – The Basics

What you need to know about your App

Take a close look
This is what you are agreeing to and how things work when you use the App on your phone or tablet.

What the App works on
At the moment, the App works on Android 8.0 or above and iOS 15 or above. Some of the features are different, depending on which version of Android or iOS you have. After you’re 16, your account will be upgraded and you will be able to use more features of the App.

Your promises when you use the App
Just like when you sign up for your BarclayPlus account, when you sign up for the App we ask you to do certain things.

  • Make sure that your account details, and other information you give us, are correct and up to date and tell us if anything changes as soon as you can
  • Don’t use the App in a way that could be illegal, could hurt us or another person

There are some other things you need to talk through with your parent(s) or guardian(s) before you sign up for the App: there’s more information about these in the section that’s just for them. Please talk these promises through with them.

How much does it cost?
Barclays won’t charge you for using the App, but your network provider can charge you (or the bill payer) for data as the App uses the internet to work. Before you download the App, make sure you have permission from the person who pays the bill (this could be your parent(s) or guardian(s)).

Section Two – Using the app

Keep safe while using the App
Because the App is a way of getting into your bank account:

  • use a PIN to lock and unlock your phone or tablet so no one else can get into it
  • always close the App when you’re not using it
  • don’t tell anyone the passcodes for logging into your phone or tablet or the App
  • use different passcodes for your phone and the App
  • tell your parent(s) or guardian(s) straight away if your phone or tablet has been lost or stolen or if you think someone else could have your information, asks you for it, or could have used your account. You or your parent(s) or guardian(s) should contact us as soon as possible if this happens.

You can manage how the App accesses your phone or tablet (including making choices about access to your location) using the settings on your device.

When you use the App, we’ll check certain things
To help keep your money safe, when you register and each time you use the App, our computers will check that it’s you. We use the same system to see how you use the App so that we can improve how the App works (for example, it can tell if people keep pressing the wrong buttons accidentally, so we can fix it).

These things are needed for the App to work and keep your account secure – you can’t use the App without these.

If something doesn’t look right
If you use the App to see how much money you have in your account(s) and something doesn’t look right (such as if you have less money than you think you should have), tell your parent(s) or guardian(s) straight away. If you or they think someone else could have taken money from your account, you or your parent(s) or guardian(s) can let us know. If you haven’t caused the loss, we’ll make sure you get your money back.

If we need to make any changes to the App
If we need to change anything about the App, we’ll tell you about the change before we make it (if it affects how you use the App) or we’ll tell you after we make it (if it benefits you or doesn’t affect how you use the App). We’ll send you a text or alert or display a message about the change when you next use the App or log into our website. If there’s anything we need you to agree we might ask you to read and accept a message on the phone or tablet screen before you can continue using the App.

From time to time we might issue updates to the App through the app store. Depending on what the update is, you may not be able to use the App until you’ve installed the latest version and accepted the new information about it. We’ll let you know via your phone or tablet when there’s a new version to upload.

Using the App
Barclays has granted you a right to use this App but Barclays remains the legal owner (or licensee) of the App and all legal rights in it. You are only allowed to use the App in the ways described in any user guidance or other information given to you by Barclays.

Section Three – Data and Security

How do you use my personal information?

We are committed to protecting your personal data. Personal data is anything that can be used to identify you.  It could be your name, email address or online user name. We will use your personal data for different things like to manage your account(s), to provide our products and services to you, to provide access to the products and services of other trusted companies that work with us, to access your location (if you turn this on), if you use certain features (like the cash machine finder), to send you notifications (if you turn them on) and to meet our legal and regulatory responsibilities.

Does anyone else see my personal information?

We may also share your personal data with other trusted companies that work with us for these purposes. For example, to use the cash machine finder the App needs to know your location to work. To use this feature you have to agree that we (and other companies that work with us) can collect and use information about your location.

If your location is turned on, the maps in the App are provided by Google and Apple – their terms and conditions can be found at:

  • Google Maps / Google Earth APIs Terms and Conditions, available at
  • iOS Maps Terms of Use, available at

Do I have a say in how you use my personal information?

You have rights when we use your personal data.  You have a right to know what we do with it. You can ask us what personal data we have about you, or tell us to stop using it or delete it. The rights depend on what we use the data for.

For more detailed information on how and why we use your information, including your rights about your personal data, please click [here] [PDF, 160kb]. You can ask an adult to help you read it

Cookies and what they are

This App uses cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”). Cookies are data files that we use to gather small amounts of information from your device when you use the App. These cookies help the App work and collect information about how you use the App to help us improve it. We also use cookies to check that it’s you using the App and to help us stop bad actions

How to control the use of cookies

You can control how the App accesses your device or information using the privacy settings on your device. If you uninstall the App we will stop collecting any information from your device but please be aware that any data collected before you uninstall the App will be kept as set out in the under 18s privacy notice which can be found [here] [PDF, 160kb]. 

All cookies which are not essential are automatically set to ‘off’. Please talk to a parent or guardian before you turn any cookies on or click on ‘Accept all’. For more detailed information about cookies and how they’re used on the App, visit the cookies tab under ‘Settings’ in the App. You can ask an adult to help you read it.

Section Four – For Parents and Guardians
The version of the App that your child has or wants to use is designed for young people. It lets them:

  • see how much money they have;
  • move money between accounts; and
  • if they are over the age of 11, make payments to companies or other people to whom they have sent money before

After they’re 16, their account will be upgraded and they will be able to use more features of the App. There are some things about the App that we need to tell you to help you understand its implications for your child, and to enable you to help them if they ask you questions. You should also read the whole of this document to ensure you are happy with what your child agrees to in order to use the App.

If you or your child needs help with the App
If you or your child need help using the App, you can:

  • call our helpline on 03332 001 014* – 24 hours, +44 3332 001 014* – outside the UK
  • come into a branch and ask staff there or make an appointment to see a Barclays Digital Eagle. They offer a free, friendly service where they can help you with anything digital (not only about banking)

How much does the App cost?
Barclays won’t charge you or your child for using the App, but the network provider you use can charge for data as the App uses the internet to work. Please make sure you’re happy with this before your child installs the App.

If you think someone else could have accessed your child’s account through their phone or tablet
If you think someone else has accessed or taken money from your child’s account, or is trying to, call us right away on the numbers below.

  • 03332 001 014* – 24 hours
  • +44 3332 001 014* – outside the UK

Conditions for using the App
To use the App, your child needs to keep their phone or tablet safe, not to tell anyone their security information, and not to use the App in a way that could hurt Barclays or another person. In addition, we ask you and your child to agree to these conditions:

  • Don’t install or use the App on a device which is ‘jail-broken’ or ‘rooted’. A ‘jail-broken’ or ‘rooted’ device is one which has had its security features changed in order to work, which makes it less secure. Fraudsters could access the phone or tablet to steal your child’s information or money
  • Don’t use the App to upload, store or share inappropriate or illegal images or content that breaches the rights of others
  • Don’t attempt to make any income from using the App
  • Don’t use the App in a way that could damage the App or stop it from working or affect our systems or other users
  • Don’t collect or harvest any information or data from the App or our systems (‘hack’) or try to read any messages or information not meant for you
  • Please take time to explain these to your child so they know what’s expected when using the App

Contacting your child
If there’s something we need to tell your child about the App, we’ll send a letter by post, send a message within the App, email or send a text message. We won’t ever ask for security details in an electronic message we send.

Use of your child’s personal data including location data 

Please see the Data Privacy and Cookies sections in these terms and conditions to see how the App uses your child’s personal data. For more detailed information on how and why we use personal data, including how to exercise rights about personal data, please click [here]. More detailed information about cookies and how they’re used on the App, can be found under the cookies tab under ‘Settings’ in the App. Please explain this to your child.

If something goes wrong
If your child loses money but it’s not their fault, we’ll make sure they get their money back. There are some things we’re not responsible for because these are out of our control or relate to how the phone or tablet works. So we can’t be responsible if:

  • your child can’t access or use the App for any reason or it’s slow
  • your child’s phone or tablet is damaged or doesn’t work
  • the App doesn’t work as your child expects or doesn’t meet their requirements
  • we can’t provide any service in part or in full because of something a third party does

Other things your child needs to read

  • Your child also needs to read the ‘Barclays and You’ – terms and conditions for personal customers
  • This is our main agreement with your child and sets out what they can expect from us when they open an account or take out a service from us – and what we ask of them too, to help us keep their finances running smoothly

Using the App
Please explain this to your child. Your child is allowed to use the App as Barclays has granted them a right to use it, but Barclays remains the legal owner (or licensee) of the App and all legal rights in it. Your child is only allowed to use the App in the ways described in any user guidance or other information given to them by Barclays.

Section Five – Other Things You Need To Know

Our Authorisation
Barclays Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register number: 759676). Barclays Bank UK PLC is registered in England. Registered no. 9740322. Registered office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

You can request this in braille, large print or audio. For information about all of our accessibility services or ways to contact us, visit

 Call monitoring and charges information

*Calls may be monitored or recorded for quality and training purposes. Calls to 0800 numbers are free if made from a UK landline or personal mobile. Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as calls to 01 and 02 landlines, and will count towards any inclusive minutes you have covering calls to landline numbers. Charges may apply when calling from abroad.

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